Welcome to the hot lunch on-line system!The hot lunch program is a fundraiser for CLMS that helps offset the costs of fieldtrips, buying new technology, etc.
Please follow these steps when registering:
1. Create a PARENT account - your name goes in the User fields
2. Add your children via the Students button. After choosing their grade, please choose their class division by the STUDENTS last name (example: your child is in grade 7 and their last name is Smith, you would choose 7 P-Z)
3. Place an order for our upcoming menu
4. If you would like to volunteer for one hour to distribute lunches to the students, please check the box for whichever dates you are available.
5. Complete payment either directly through the system using PayPal or send an EMT to: clmshotlunches@gmail.com. Please put your child's name in the memo line so we can match your payment to their account. We have direct deposit, so no password is required.
6. Enjoy one day a week not making lunch!
7. Your student will pick up their lunch between 12:00 and 12:30 pm in the forum. Line ups are organized by their grade and last name. STUDENTS MUST SHOW THEIR ID TO PICK UP LUNCH!! If they do not have an ID card, they can show their PowerSchool name/photo from their phone.
Contact us with any suggestions or problems you have with the system at: clms.hotlunchcoordinator@gmail.com
** Please note that payment is only accepted online through PayPal or via bank transfer. We do not accept any cash or cheques. Any unpaid order will automatically be deleted on the day of menu closing. **
Powered by Hot Lunches On-Line - www.hotlunches.net - - March 10, 2025 11:57pm - DB: Current 0
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